Today was the first of two days of hunting and fishing on this trip. The morning started with a bird hunt for Pheasant, Quail, and Chukar. Unfortunately only one Pheasant was shot, wounded and then escaped into who knows where. Conditions were difficult and only a small number of birds were seen but too far away to shoot at. However, this dissapointment was short lived, as we moved on to the fishing portion of the day where I probably had my best day ever. Easily 50 plus fish were caught and released, but I caught three different types of trout, of which two I had never caught or even seen before. The tiger trout and the splake. Both are cross breeds with a brook trout, the tiger with a brown trout, and the the splake with a lake trout. I also caught some brown trout. They were all big, healthy and very feisty.
Just amazing fish.
The day ended with a brief trip to Capitol Reel Park, which was closed for flooding. However here are some shots of it before the entrance.
Bye for now. Hopefully some bird pictures tomorrow.
Again, it looks cold. But glad you're having fun!